To get noticed and find success, a well-thought-out and present-day marketing strategy is an absolute necessity. Keep in mind that music marketing changes fast. What worked last year may not work now. That’s why it’s crucial to always keep your hand on the pulse of music marketing trends, First of all
Find out who and where your fans are
To get the most out of your promotion efforts, you have to find out who your fans are. Knowing details like where your audience is based and how old they are can help you build a marketing strategy that accurately reaches them.
Today, everything from personalized band websites to music streaming artist accounts offer detailed analytic information to help you learn more about your fans. Some platforms even give detailed information like when fans stumbled across your music online first, and through what channels or search terms. Get to know your data, and you’ll get to know your fans and don’t ignore existing fans while trying to make new ones.
Create a budget for your music promotion
After you determine your marketing strategies, you need to calculate your budget. How much money are you willing to contribute towards promoting your music?
Go step by step and try to complete these key points before starting the promotion. You can’t successfully promote your music without creating a marketing plan.
Share Your Music on Digital Platforms
With the rise of digital technologies, it's become easier to reach your target audience. Music streaming platforms are a great example. Some of the most popular ones are Tidal, Apple Music, Soundcloud, Spotify, Deezer, and Amazon Music Unlimited. Here, you can upload your albums, share your songs, and see how people react to it.
But, of course, you need to choose wisely which platform to use. First, think about your target audience, which you've probably successfully defined in your marketing plan. What platforms do they use? For example, Soundcloud is great for electronic music and remixes. So if you produce music in this genre, make sure you are on Soundcloud.Of course, you don't need to limit yourself to one platform. Research the capabilities and features of each platform, and if you are content with them, go ahead and share your music. The more platforms you are on, the more exposure you will get.
Use Social Media for Your Music Promotion
With 49% of the world population being on social networks, they come as one of the most prominent music marketing strategies currently in existence. If used correctly, they can help you promote your art and connect you with a potential fan base. And who knows, your track could even go viral! Imagine thousands of people sharing and leaving comments under your post on Instagram, Twitter, or another social media platform.
But how to create a viral post or video for social media? It all depends on your creativity and luck. People love inspiring and fun content, which they also eagerly share. They especially like video content, which, in your case, is very advantageous. Think about the content first, make a video, and add your song as background music. Make sure to upload the video to social platforms directly, as this will result in higher reach and engagement.
Using social media can help you build your community of loyal fans. Create your social media profiles and engage with your audience, share unique content, and interact with your fans. Embrace all the opportunities social media gives you to connect with your audience.
Again, you need to consider which social media platforms your target audience is active. Then, create your strategy and decide what type of content you want to share. Learn more about Facebook video marketing or making videos for Instagram. Any information can be helpful. Within time, you’ll see how your community grows if you utilize the best social media strategies for your music promotion.
Contact With Music Influencers
Influencer marketing is a new but rapidly growing branch of marketing that is yet to unfold its true potential. So who is an influencer? An influencer is someone who has a massive number of followers on different social media platforms. They can be bloggers, vloggers, public figures, or YouTubers.What you need to do is research the relevant influencers in your niche and contact them for collaboration. Trying to get the attention of influencers with large following can be hard at first. Start with smaller influencers, and gradually move to larger ones as your following grows. There are multiple ways to be featured in their posts. They can create videos and add your song to background music by mentioning you or sharing your song or album. This can be a great return on investment for you. You will get access to their audience, which is an excellent opportunity to market your music more authentically.
Reach Out to Music Bloggers
Reaching out to music bloggers will help you get buzz around your new song or album, in case you have something worthy. Many people discover new music from different music blogs. So, you need to contact them and try to get featured in their posts.
You need to have a strategy for your outreach. First, find all the relevant music blogs and bloggers. This might take a long time, but you can get some top music blog lists and categorize them, which will save you some time.
Then, try to build relationships with them. This is the most important part. You need to prepare a stellar pitch for your music. Include some basic information about it, the genre, what makes it unique, and send your music video, if available. Impress music bloggers with your music, branding, and story, to make them want to collaborate with you.
Find Musicians to Collaborate With
Many musicians have used this strategy for a pretty long time. Among the famous ones are: "Beat It" - Michael Jackson and Eddie Van Halen, "Walk This Way" - Run-D.M.C. and Aerosmith, "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" - The Beatles and Eric Clapton, and many more.While your collaborations don't have to be this grand for now, they still can yield amazing results! When it comes to partnership, you can collaborate with equally famous bands, or try to contact more successful ones. Getting in touch with producers on the same level as you would be easier, especially when you are just building your audience. However, contacting more prominent artists will be a lot more effective in boosting your career.
Another option is to collaborate with DJs. They can create a Remix version of your music and share it with their audience. In any case, this is a proven strategy that helped many musicians stand out from the crowd. So, try to build relationships with other musicians to grow your fan base.
List Your Shows and Tours on Different Platforms
These platforms help music lovers discover live concerts in their cities, or keep them updated on their favorite artists. So, when you intend to have a live performance, sign up to a similar platform, and share your event with your potential fans.
With the help of these online platforms, you will effectively promote your offline events
It’s true that the music industry is very competitive. But this doesn't mean that you cannot succeed. If you have a dream, are ready to put in the hard work into your craft, and are willing to spend time on developing and implementing the right marketing strategy for you, there is no reason why you cannot succeed and find your fair share of dedicated fans.
If you are a talented musician and create good music, your fans will find you and help you shine, even if it takes some time. Using the music marketing strategies mentioned above will help you reach them and share with them what you have to offer. What you need to do now is to create a marketing plan and choose the right marketing strategies.